Heavy machinery at our Clean Fill Reclamation site in Plymouth Meeting

Our Clean Fill Site Reclamation Project in Plymouth Meeting is permitted by the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Mining Division of the State of Pennsylvania. Operating under strict DEP guidelines, we reclaim two types of materials: only Type 1 materials are used in the clean fill operation; while Type 2 materials, which are recycled or unused asphalt including millings and asphalt breakup, are used in the production of asphalt paving materials.

Only Type 1 and Type 2 materials are accepted at Plymouth Meeting. No wood, plastics, trees, stumps, brush, metal, rubber, municipal waste, or organic materials are allowed. Rebar and wire mesh must be cut flush and cannot be exposed. Please contact the site for prices, terms and conditions.

For small source jobs under 3,000 cubic yards, Highway Materials Inc. will review the form and determine if we can accept the material based upon potential environmental risks. For jobs involving volumes of soil greater than 3,000 cubic yards, testing and preapproval by the PA DEP will be required as per the PA DEP Use of Reclamation Fill at Active Noncoal Sites technical guidance document # 563-2000-301.


Site Manager
For pre-approval or additional information, call 610.834.8318 during business hours.


  • Type 1: Stone, Soil, Concrete, Dirt, Rock, Unpainted Block and Brick
  • Type 2: Recycled or Unused Asphalt (including millings and asphalt breakup)

